About Us

The “Kafui Foundation for Childhood Diabetes” was established by a group made up of parents, family members, friends and colleagues of the late Miss Kafui Ama Agbenuzah who passed away in New York, on 19th May 2011, 9 days short of her 23rd birthday.  

Her sudden death was a shock to many with whom she had made contact in her short life so much that the idea was mooted to establish a Foundation in her memory, to help deprived families better manage the cost of care for their children living with Type 1 diabetes.

Even though her death could not conclusively be proved medically to be diabetes related, the gallant manner in which she bore her cross in her battle with diabetes for fourteen years influenced the focus of her Foundation.  On the first anniversary of Kafui’s passing to glory, therefore, the “Kafui Foundation for Childhood Diabetes” (KFCD) was launched at the Baptist International Church (BIC) in Community 20, Tema, Ghana, on 20th May 2012. The Foundation was registered at the Registrar General’s Department on 5th April 2013.

On 19th May, 2013, to mark the first anniversary of the launching of the KFCD, the Foundation, with the support of the National Diabetes Association, screened about 170 children. It is the objective of the Foundation to provide the platform to create awareness of Type 1 diabetes by conducting outreach programmes in selected Junior and Senior High Schools in the Accra Metropolis, to educate and identify children living with Type 1 diabetes. The Foundation also aims at gathering data from diabetic clinics and paediatric departments of district, municipal and sub-metro hospitals on children diagnosed as living with diabetes
in order to assist or seek support for children whose families are unable to provide them with adequate care.

Our Core Values

Non-discrimination in the management and sponsorship tasks

Team spirit among core members of the foundation

Excellence in all aspects of <br>delivery

Selfless sacrifice

Honesty, Integrity and discipline


Love and compassion

Our Mission

“To help needy children in Ghana living with Type 1 diabetes effectively and efficiently manage their condition to enable them live and enjoy their God-given lives to the full”. Our vision is “To be the most compassionate and excellent provider of management and sponsorship arrangements for needy children living with Type 1 diabetes in all the communities of Ghana.